Denver Central Games

Weekly Event Schedule & Hours of Operation

Mon-Thur: Noon to 10pm | Fri: Noon to 7pm | Sat: Noon to 7pm | Sun: Noon to 6pm

MON 5pm-10pm: Magic Casual Commander Night; Free to play EDH all night long.

TUE 6:30pm-10pm: Standard; $10 entry, Store credit prize pool equal to 100% of entry fees + $40

WED 6:30pm-10pm: Modern; $10 entry, Store credit prize pool equal to 100% of entry fees + $40

THU 5pm-10pm: Magic Casual Commander Night; Free to play.

SAT 1pm - 5pm: Modern; $10 entry, Store credit prize pool equal to 100% of entry fees + $40

Sun 1pm - 5pm: Pauper; $7 entry, Store credit prize pool equal to 100% of entry fees + $25

Store credit prize pool payout structure: 40% to best record, double your money to remaining players in descending order…

In the case of a tied best record, players split 40% + double entry per player beyond the first


New Years Eve & Christmas Eve: Closed @7pm

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Mothers Day, & Father’s Day: Closed all Day